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Upgrade to the package repository

About the package repository

With GitLab 7.10 we have introduced package repositories for GitLab, that allow you to install GitLab with a simple 'apt-get' command.

If you are coming from a manually downloaded Omnibus package, you can quickly and easily upgrade. Find the instructions for Debian / Ubuntu here and the instructions for CentOS here.

These instructions will install the GitLab EE package, which is our recommended edition. if you would like to install the CE package just replace `gitlab-ee` with `gitlab-ce`. If you are on CE, upgrading to EE is as easy as installing the EE package.

Ubuntu / Debian: Upgrading from manually downloaded Omnibus package

To upgrade you will need to add the package repository to your system first.

Call the following script for easy installation:
curl | sudo bash
If you are not comfortable installing the repository through a piped script, you can find the entire script here.
Now you will be able to install / upgrade GitLab to the latest version using the package repository. When running the command below, GitLab will detect a conflict and remove gitlab in favor of gitlab-ee.

To upgrade, run:
sudo apt-get install gitlab-ee

You are now ready to use GitLab again!

CentOS: Upgrading from manually downloaded Omnibus package

To upgrade you will need to add the package repository to your system first.

Use the following:
curl | sudo bash
If you are not comfortable installing the repository through a piped script, you can find the entire script here.

Now you will be able to install / upgrade GitLab to the latest version using the package repository. When running the command below, GitLab will detect a conflict and remove gitlab in favor of gitlab-ee.

To upgrade, run:
sudo yum install gitlab-ee

Due to the order in which RPM post-removal and post-installations scripts run, the change from gitlab to gitlab-ee removes /user/bin/gitlab-ctl and related commands. This does not affect Debian-based systems (Debian, Ubuntu).

As a workaround on RPM-based systems, please run the following command after upgrading to the package repository, the first time:
sudo ln -sf                       \
  /opt/gitlab/bin/gitlab-ctl      \
  /opt/gitlab/bin/gitlab-rake     \
  /opt/gitlab/bin/gitlab-rails    \
  /opt/gitlab/bin/gitlab-ci-rake  \
  /opt/gitlab/bin/gitlab-ci-rails \
  /usr/bin/        Note that the post-install message of the package will also tell you to make this change.

Now you're ready to use GitLab again!
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