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Websites for your GitLab projects, user account or group

What is GitLab Pages?

Create websites for your GitLab projects, groups, or user account.

Use any static website generator: Jekyll, Middleman, Hexo, Hugo, Pelican, and more.

Connect your custom domain(s) and TLS certificates.

Host your static websites on for free, or on your own GitLab instance.

[ step 01 ]

Fork one of our example projects

While you can create a project from scratch, let's keep it simple and fork one of your favorite example projects to get a quick start. GitLab Pages works with any static site generator.

[ step 02 ]

Enable shared Runners

You can take advantage of the free shared Runners available on All your builds will run on distinct Virtual Machines which use the latest Docker Engine. This will effectively eliminate any possible security issues, as there is no potential of breaking outside the container. However, you are free to set up your own Runner for your project.

Navigate to your project's Settings > CI/CD and click on "Enable shared runners." This combines the power of GitLab CI/CD with GitLab Runner to deploy static sites based on any generator. On new projects this setting may be enabled by default.

[ step 03 ]

Configure your project (optional)

If you skip this step, your website will be available at, where username is your username on GitLab and projectname is the name of the project you forked in the first step. This is what we call a project page.

If you want the website to be available at, go to your project's Settings > Advanced, rename your project to and update its path to as shown at the screenshot. This is what we call a user page.

Depending on the static generator this may require some additional steps. Make sure to read the file of the project you chose.

[ step 04 ]

Manually run a pipeline

Manually run a pipeline for the first time in order to trigger the job process. Alternatively, commit & push at least one change. You can edit your site files right from the browser, or use Git from the command line.

Visit your project's Pipelines and click the Run pipeline button. In the next page hit Create pipeline and the pipeline will start.

Once the pipeline runs, the build process will begin and your site will eventually be available online.

[ step 05 ]

Visit your site!

Fire up your browser and visit or depending on what you followed in step 3.

Learn more about GitLab Pages

Read through this guide to create your project from scratch

Use with any static website generator. Read our quick start tutorials or browse our documentation .

Add multiple custom domains and secure them with your own TLS certificates .

Create custom error pages.

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