Topics Single application

Why a single application for DevOps?

Learn how simplifying your toolchain using a single application can increase your speed while reducing cost and risk.

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The DevOps toolchain tax

Traditional DevOps solutions require cobbling together multiple tools that were never designed to work together in order to build an DevOps toolchain.


This leads to having to pay a “tax” on your toolchain made up hidden costs.

  • Time and cost to acquire point tools

  • Time and cost to integrate all of these tools

  • Time and cost to train users on many tools

  • User context switching between all of these tools

  • Time and cost to administer all of these tools

Single application architecture

GitLab is a complete DevOps platform designed from the ground up as a single application. From project planning and source code management, to CI/CD, security, and monitoring GitLab’s capabilities are built-in as part of the app so you don’t have to integrate multiple tools.

Benefits of a single application

Reduce risk with a single set of permissions

Rather than having to manage authentication and authorization across many tools. GitLab has a single login and one place to set permissions so everyone has the correct access.

Reduce costs with less administrative overhead

With a single application to install, configure, and maintain there’s less administrative overhead. Since fewer staff needed to administer a single application verse a complex toolchain more of your engineering resources can be allocated towards development of features for your users.

Increase speed with a lower time to resolution

When a build pipeline fails how do you troubleshoot? Is it a problem with the infrastructure or did new code fail a test? Perhaps there is state in the original specification that needed to help debug. With traditional toolchains the issue tracker, code repository, and CI/CD pipeline are all separate tools. When teams need to troubleshoot they have to pass state back and forth in a ticket because they likely don’t all have access to the same applications.

With GitLab, everyone who needs to help troubleshoot a failure has access to all of the data. Pipeline, code, comments, issues, and test results all appear on the merge request so there’s a single view. With everyone on the same page troubleshooting is much simpler and things get up and running faster.

See more benefits of a single application

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